Balance Festival 2019

Today the team attended Balance Festival at the Old Truman Brewery in Shoreditch. It’s the UK’s largest celebration of the wellness movement and it’s the festival’s second year running. There’s wellness talks, group exercise classes with top boutique fitness studios and so many delicious freebies to try!

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Boutique fitness attracts a wide range of investment

London’s growth in both supply and demand for boutique studios has become the fastest growing fitness segment. By the end of October 2018, London had 278 boutique sites with over 400 studios offering 15,806 classes each week. The popularity of this segment, which sets itself apart by offering captivating experiences providing a memorable visit, is detailed in the new benchmark report 2018 London Boutique Studio Report.

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The 2018 London Boutique Studio Report shows that the London boutique studio market is rapidly expanding. There are 278 boutique studios across the city: 114 HIIT studios, 111 Mind & Body studios and 53 CrossFit studios. They offer over 15k classes each week and at any one time, 9.6k people could be taking part in a class.

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