This Week in the Fitness Industry


Activity Equivalent Calorie Labelling

The Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) in Britain is arguing for ‘activity equivalent’ calorie labelling in order to reduce the UK’s obesity problem. Packaging could be utilised to not only provide nutritional information but also advise ways to change behaviour. Writing in the British Medical Journal, the chief executive of the RSPH, wants labelling to “prompt people to be mindful of the energy they consume and…to encourage them to be more physically active”.

FIBO 2016, Cologne

FIBO broke world records last week with a total of 153,000 visitors including 83,000 trade visitors from over 100 nations. According to the Deloitte study presented at the exhibition, some 52.4 million people are members of gyms at this time and growth of the European fitness market is at 4.9 per cent. The event gained a lot of media attention with nearly 1,000 accredited journalists attending from over 30 countries. Fitness technology, personalised training, functional training and group fitness remained as some of the hottest trends seen at FIBO this year. 

New public openings

Chard Leisure Centre – The new £500,000 centre, managed by 1610 Trust, officially opened on 4th April and it boasts a state-of-the-art gym and the UK’s largest Prama studio. 

Atherton Leisure Centre – Built on its former site, the new £14.7 million council-run Atherton Leisure Centre also opened on 4th April and is equipped with two swimming pools, a 100 station gym and two dance studios.  

Gym Bacteria

Nobody expects to hear that a toilet is cleaner than their gym equipment but unfortunately it looks to be true. A recent study done by Fit Rated involved swabbing 27 pieces of gym equipment at 3 different gyms and they found some pretty gruesome results. Luckily for us though they made these fun infographics to learn all about the bacteria that lingers on our gym equipment…

Mother's Day Offers

Sunday is Mother's Day and as a way of thanks a number of leisure centres and gyms are offering deals for the weekend. Here's our favourite 4 offers:

Energie & Fit4Less

Bring your mum along for a free gym session at an Energie or Fit4Less club and share a selfie with the hashtag #workoutwithmum

                                    Halo Leisure                                                        Pure Gym


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