Virgin Active selects CoursePro as preferred Sports Course management software
Virgin Active has been partnered with CoursePro since 2016 when they initially rolled out the software across their UK estate to support with the management of swim and tennis programmes.
CoursePro enables numerous digital touch points with members through its home portal function and various contact trigger communications. In addition, CoursePro’s reporting functionality provides valuable insight into the key performance indicators across Virgin Active’s swim and tennis programmes, allowing them to monitor the data provided and act on trends to improve the customer experience.
Following the successful implementation of CoursePro across the UK, Virgin Active has now begun the launch in South Africa with a plan for an additional 108 clubs to be utilising CoursePro by the end of 2024.
“CoursePro has revolutionised the swim management process for our leadership teams by making the process as seamless and efficient as possible. CoursePro has been a great support tool for managing our programmes, overall performance analysis and has also enabled remote management of programmes across both our Swimming and Tennis provisions.”
CoursePro benefits team members by reducing the amount of manual admin that they complete on a day-to-day basis via the seamless functions in its ‘control centre’. In addition, CoursePro has a ‘coach portal’ which allows instructors to view their class schedules for the day, mark their participants’ attendance and track their progression.
“For members, having the ability to view and track their own attendance and progression through the ‘home portal’ function is a game changer. Coaches can change the members’ session dates and times, as well as adjust levels once their participant has progressed through their current level. This provides valuable self-serving functionality for our members.
The ‘contact trigger’ function also offers a valuable touch point for our members as it provides constant communication at each important step along their journey”
For more information on CoursePro
For more information on Virgin Active