fitNdata will be launched by David Minton, founding director of The Leisure Database Company. It will combine real-time supply data with consumer fitness data to offer a series of services enabling solutions and insights for global clients.
Read MoreBuilding a Badass Boutique by Emma Barry
For those of you who haven’t heard Emma speak, this book is a must. She writes like she speaks: a machine gun of ideas, passion and wisdom. On stage and on the page, Emma has only one speed and that’s super-fast. So, this book is a godsend for those who need more time to absorb this creative badass genius.
Read MoreAye AI captain
Ground-breaking technology like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is way ahead of fitness industry practices, desires and dreams. The main reason being many fitness sites currently lack the granular data and infrastructure necessary to obtain real AI.
This means our industry is looking through the rear-view mirror on where it’s been, not where it’s going. This is of no use to the consumer and limited use to the operator.
The 2017 State of the UK Swimming Industry Report reveals that the number of pools has continued to decline slightly over the last 12 months. The number of swimming pool sites has dropped by 0.5%. For the fifth year in a row, more swimming pool sites have closed than opened.
Read MoreHow tech is shaping fitness...
A recent article in The Guardian discussed "how technology is creating a workout that's more data rich, smarter and convenient that ever before".
David Minton, Director of LeisureDB, was quoted discussing the possibility of futuristic workouts...
"The backdrop at the gym isn't always that motivating but thankfully tech companies are playing around with virtual reality so in the future we can put on a headset, sit on a stationary bike and feel like you're riding through mountains".
See original article via this link.
Last week an article was published in the Investors Chronicle discussing how 'The Listed Gym Sector is Bulking Up Again'. LeisureDB's statistics and David's insights were quoted.
"Between 2007 and 2011 the industry ticked along quite effectively, but with limited growth due to little innovation. It takes a while for new technology and innovation to have an impact on an industry. Smartphones have revolutionised the way consumers record their daily activity and check their health. The interest in tracking devices and wearable technology could help maintain general interest in fitness and be good for the industry.
The penetration of private health clubs (not under local authority control) has grown from 7.5 per cent to 9.1 per cent in the past four years and the joint public-private penetration is an impressive 14.3 per cent - an all-time high. Although we can point the finger to the rapidly expanding low-cost market for most of this growth, it is worth looking at the underlying technology that makes it possible.
Low-cost clubs are a hub of technology, relying on immediate data science and enterprise security software. Their presence on social media and ability to communicate digitally with customers is impressive and also allows for secondary spend across their mobile platforms.
Timing has played its part in bringing fresh technology, vision, innovation, interest and finance into an industry that we have always believed has enormous potential. Parts of it have been driven from 'data poor' to data-driven businesses and some consumers have turned themselves into walking, running, cycling, swimming and fitness data hubs.
The Gym's successful IPO in November 2015 reintroduced the fitness industry to the City and Pure is about to list, while we understand Bannatyne could also be seeking a flotation. US-based fitness and technology expert Bryan O'Rourke believes the global fitness market will grow by 300 per cent in the next decade. If this happens, it will mean great opportunities for UK brands."
David Minton, Director of The Leisure Database Company
Original article: Investors Chronicle, Bradley Gerrard - The Listed Gym Sector Is Bulking Up
60 Second UK Fitness News - 10th June 2016
In this weeks 60 Second News: Leisure Management reported this week that on the 25th June Barry’s Bootcamp will be taking over the London Eye. The boutique chain which has two sites in London will deliver 15 classes simultaneously in 15 pods on the London Eye. It costs £60 to take part and all proceeds will go to Stand Up To Cancer.
Last weekend saw the opening of Thorncliffe Health and Leisure Centre in Sheffield, which is managed by Places for People. The centre boasts two pools, a gym and two studios and was built to replace Chapeltown Baths.
This week has also seen two new openings from the Anytime Fitness franchise in Corby and Luton.
Lastly, Blink Fitness in America has decided to cover all their mirrors for the month of June. The mirrors have been replaced with signs saying ‘Do it for the mood, not just the mirror’. The aim of the campaign is to remind members exercise is about more than just looks. BlinkFitness Vice president, Ellen Rogemann, is hoping the brand can provide an antidote to the ‘beach body ready’ message. Let us know what you think of this idea by sending a tweet to @TLDC_UK.
Thanks for watching!
60 Seconds UK Fitness News - 3rd June 2016
In this weeks 60 Second News; today sees the launch of our first ever LeisureDB Social Media Fitness Index. The report covers quarter 1 of 2016 and compares the UK's top 20 private fitness brands and ranks them based on their performance on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. You can download your copy of the report from our website now for £195 + VAT.
SLM or Everyone Active as they’re better known was announced this week as the new management of Westminster Sports Centre from the 1st July 2016. The 10 year contract will see SLM manage 8 leisure centres.
Frome Sports and Fitness Centre, which is managed by Fusion, opened its doors on Wednesday following their £2million refurbishment. The centre boasts new gym equipment, a large soft play area, new classes in their two new studios and a dedicated cycling studio.
Lastly, we would just like to say congratulations to The Gym Group who have been awarded the Investors in People Gold Accreditation, which is currently achieved by just 7% of organisations.
Thanks for watching!
60 Second UK Fitness News - 27th May 2016
In this weeks 60 Second News; yesterday we published our 2016 State of The UK Swimming Industry Report. This year’s report reveals another year of decline with a 1% decrease in the number of swimming sites and a 3% rise in pay and play fees. To get your copy of the report head to website to download now.
The Virgin Active Health Club (Milhouses) has announced plans to shut on the 30th June and the site has been sold to Oxygen Freejumping who intend to turn it in to a trampoline park. Although there is another Virgin Active less a mile from the site some customers are not happy about transferring their membership to the Broadfield park site.
The Energie group has powered past its £500,000 target on crowd cube, according to an article in Health Club Management this week. The chain which has clubs in both the UK and Europe and includes the budget brand Fit4Less.
Lastly, don't forget to keep an eye out for our brand new LeisureDB Social Media Fitness Index Q1 2016.
Thanks for watching!
Press Release: 2016 State of the UK Swimming Industry Report
The 2016 State of the UK Swimming Industry Report reveals that the industry has experienced another year of slight decline over the twelve month period to the end of March 2016, with a decrease of 1% in the number of swimming pool sites.
Read More60 Second UK Fitness News - 20th May 2016
In this weeks 60 Second News: our 2016 State of The UK Fitness Industry Report was released this week and we want to say a big thank you to everyone who has mentioned us in the news or on Twitter. Remember to keep an eye on our Director, David Minton’s, LinkedIn page to join in topical discussions about this year’s report.
Coming soon from 1Rebel is their new offering Ride2Rebel. 1Rebel have converted a bus into a mobile spin studio and will be offering customers the chance to spin hard through the streets of London, whilst commuting to work. The bus will pick up from 4 different locations across London and drop off at 1Rebel. You can sign up now to register an interest in a ticket and receive a 10% discount on packages.
It’s been announced this week that the construction contract for the new Fleming Park leisure centre in Eastleigh has gone to Interserve. The new centre will boast a 15 court sports hall, 2 swimming pools and 3 multipurpose studios and is due to open June 2018.
Lastly, Sports Management reported this week that public health experts have called it unethical to sell junk food in leisure centres. I know I think it’s ok to reward all my hard work with a Mars bar post workout, but psychologist have claimed that leisure centres are failing exercise referral patients by not offering healthy food as a primary option and at a cheaper price. Let us know what you think, send us a tweet @TLDC_UK.
Thanks for watching.
Press Release: 2016 State of the UK Fitness Industry Report
The 2016 State of the UK Fitness Industry Report reveals that the UK health and fitness industry is continuing to grow. It has more clubs, more members and a greater market value than ever before.
Read More60 Second UK Fitness News - 6th May 2016
In this week’s 60 second news; more news from the Fitness First sale as Bannatyne’s has announced an interest in some sites. Bannatyne’s doubled its profits last year after refurbishing half their clubs which helped boost member numbers. The chain has acknowledged that the market is polarising and has focused on being a luxury health club.
When ClassPass first landed in the UK it all appeared too good to be true and unfortunately it is. Class Pass has announced this week that it will be upping its prices from £79 to £110. After disputes with some of the more premium offerings available to ClassPass user, which appeared to have been settled, ClassPass is now having to hit the pockets of its customers.
Here are LeisureDB we’ve managed to get our hands on a Skulpt Chisel. Available for $99 the Skulpt chisel measures your muscle quality and fat percentage. It’s based around the theory of tracking results not activity. Keep an eye on our blog for a review of the product.
Lastly, it has been reported by Statista that health and fitness apps are now in the top 10 in the app store beating music, sports and social networking. David, our director has spoken about the rise of brands going from CES to IHRSA this year, and these stats show the ever increasing presence of the digital market in our industry. To read David’s roving report for IHRSA head to
Thanks for watching, please leave your comments below.
A week at LeisureDB
Not only is it FriYAY, it’s also our favourite day of month here at LeisureDB HQ….Pay Day Pie Day Friday!
It’s been a busy week but to celebrate its end, here’s a quick update of the happenings in the past 168 hours.
Natalie and David attended the Active-net event in Loughborough. David was a keynote speaker and presented his talk ‘It’s Dot Complicated’. Following on from Randi Zuckerberg’s talk at IHRSA, David discussed the future of technology within the fitness industry. Thanks for a great event Active-net!
David also spoke at the TIAUK Business of Tennis Forum on Thursday about disruption in sport and the development of aggregators, such as Tennis Trakker Pro, Tennis Math, PlaySport and MoveGB.
Charlotte enjoyed #WorkoutWednesday this week and even won a new hoodie from her personal trainers at The Fitting Rooms, London Bridge!
Jen has been busy producing her 60 Second UK Fitness News video for our YouTube channel ‘Fitness Industry UK’. She discusses recent events within the private and public sectors and you can watch her most recent video here.
Jamie is busy exploring the possibility of expanding our new mobile app building services beyond the health and fitness industry…learn more here.
We're excited to play with our new crowdfunded Skulpt Chisel which arrived this week, its cutting edge wearable tech to measure body fat & muscle quality, with an accompanying mobile app - we’ll be reviewing it on our YouTube channel soon
Everyone in the office has been working hard on the new 2016 State of the UK Fitness and Swimming Industry reports which will be released in May. Excitement is also building for our newest Social Media Index report and services, more news to follow about these!
Have a great bank holiday!
From the LeisureDB team
In this weeks 60 second News: It has been announced that Lichfield District Council are exploring the option of outsourcing both Friary Grange and Burntwood leisure centres. The council said they will only outsource if there are real financial savings to be made.
Elsewhere in the public sector The Castle Leisure Centre will be opening on the 30th April and will be managed by Fusion, however, given that SLM or Everyone Active have won the contract for Southwark council the management will be changing just 2 months after opening.
Snap Fitness, a 24hour fitness franchise from the US, has announced a major development plan for the UK. Currently they have just 9 sites across England and Wales, with plans to open another 30 sites.
Lastly, we would like to congratulate everyone who has been nominated for a Flame Award this year. The awards are sponsored by Matrix and the winners will be announced at the ceremony in June. Good luck to all nominees!
Thanks for watching! I’m Jennifer Schooling and that was your news in 60 Seconds.
60 Second UK Fitness News - 22nd April 2016
In this week's 60 Second News: It’s no surprise to us that the according to the European Health & Fitness Market Study 2016, the budget gym sector has again increased its share in the Fitness Market. You’ll be able to find out how this has affected the UK in our fitness report which is now due to be published mid-May. To register an interest in the report click here.
Here at LeisureDB we’re excited to announce this year we will be releasing a new report titled the LeisureDB Social Media Index. We will be comparing how well the top private brands in the industry perform on social media. And if you are wondering what platforms are right for you why not head to Action PR's blog and to find out.
And the world of online dating has arrived in our gyms, 1Rebel has teamed up with popular app Bumble with its latest offering of a combat-themed speed-dating class. 1Rebel is hoping to unite sweaty Betty with her prince charming during their rumble sessions.
Thanks for watching and please do comment below.
In this weeks 60 Second News; here at the LeisureDB headquarters we’re busy putting together our annual state of the industry reports. This year’s fitness report includes a new top operator in the private sector and is due to be published late April. Head to the publications section of our website to receive a notification when our reports are published.
After attending IHRSA last month our director, David Minton, will be attending FIBO in Germany this month. With more than 725 exhibitors from 40 countries there is everything from equipment suppliers to studio concepts and IT systems. If you’re one of the 138,000 people attending don’t forget to say hi if you see him.
Fitness First UK’s managing director, Martin Seibold, has reported a significant amount of interest in the chain from both investors and buyers. The number of clubs has gone from 185 to just 65 since Seibold took over in 2012, but membership has grown by 15% since May 2015. Fitness First Owner Oaktree Capital Management has said all possibilities remain on the table for the future of the company.
Lastly, Fit4Less in Derbyshire has come under criticism this month after an anti-bullying charity called its new ad ‘offensive’. The billboard poster showed Aliens abducting a person with the text ‘they’ll take the fat ones first’. Fit4Less said it wanted to create a “light hearted and humorous” ad. This isn’t the first time an industry ad has sparked controversy. Last year Protein World were called offensive and irresponsible with its ‘beach body ready?’ poster. We want to know whether you were offended by these ads? Send us a tweet to @TLDC_UK and use #AdvertWin or #AdvertFail to let us know your views.
Thanks for watching and please do comment below!
60 SECOND UK FITNESS NEWS - 22nd Jan 2016
In this weeks 60 second news; It's been announced that Fitness First has sold its founding site in Bournemouth. The Queen’s Park Health Club has been bought by BH Live for an undisclosed sum will now be known as BH Live Active. Jatomi Fitness CEO Tracey Gehlan, who moved in the industry April last year from Burger King, believes the Fitness Industry needs to learn from the fast food Sector and start engaging children rather than making them wait until they’re 18 for a gym membership. Part of McDonald’s success is that every three year old in the country has heard of them, the fitness industry needs to think of a way it can include the younger generations. Could it be through creating the Ultimate Selfie? Ian Pearson a futurologist, commission by Fitness First claims that by 2046 we will be exercising with performance recording drone-swarms. It could improve technique and allow for video streaming. Further technology advances could allow us to spar with a robot opponent and run the marathon with Mo Farah. Lastly, our director David Minton will be making his industry predictions for 2016 keep an eye on our blog to find out who he believes will be the largest fitness brand in the UK this year and more.
60 Second UK Fitness News - Dec 2015
In this weeks 60 second news; our director, David Minton claims it’s time for the fitness industry to innovate or die, this echoes similar belief to that of Les Mills Chief Exec Martin Franklin who states an unwillingness to go digital could be what kills the industry. And Pivotal Living are helping everyone to get digital by bringing a £15 fitness tracker to the market. The tracker has sold out until Jan in the US, where it’s only $12. But if you’re not sure about wearable tech then maybe a Tech Tattoo is what you’re looking for? Chaotic Moon have announced they are working on a prototype for a bio wearable to track your medical and activity data.
Also this week, it's been announced that Sports Direct Fitness have acquired the Print Works Health Club and Spa at London Olympia, and we would like to congratulate all the winners at the 2015 National Fitness Awards especially Burnley Leisure who picked up 3 awards! Thanks for watching.
Time for a new strategy for fitness? SIBEC Europe 2015
By 2016 every high street bank, most heritage brands, boring but essential service providers and probably your organisation will have established internal or external ‘disruption’ teams with the sole purpose of looking at how new technology can change the face of delivery while improving the consumer experience.
Innovation and differentiation is key to all businesses and fitness is no different.
Weight Watchers, (WW) is a good example of how quickly new technology can destroy the value of a company. In 2015 its stock dropped 92% from its all-time high, membership is down 38% and the number of meetings has fallen by 20%. The company is struggling to keep up as dieting tools have gone high tech. Dieters can now count calories with smartphone apps, calorie controlled food and snacks can get delivered every day and YouTube has free guidance and advice when you want to watch. So the weekly WW meeting and weigh-in has been replaced by on demand conversation and support.
Could the value of the fitness industry be affected by new technology so quickly?
Transport for London, (TfL) is one of many transport companies who have embraced new technology. TfL have over 5,000 developers registered on their open data platform with access to around 30 APIs, an abbreviation of application program interface. This is a set of routines, protocols and tools for building software applications. From these APIs developers have crowdsourced money and created hundreds of transport applications which reach millions of people every week.
Is there one public fitness API for developers to use?
Around twenty new aggregators, high tech start-ups from UK, India, Israel and USA are working around the lack of APIs and are developing a business plan which bypasses the industry and its providers and goes direct to the consumer. These aggregators will have a conversation with the consumer, will provide a personalised service and will create an experience for them. ClassPass, now available in London, in 2015, completed Series B funding round of $40m for expansion. Bloggers like husband and wife team Daniel and Kelli on Fitness Blender have over 18 million followers and like Wikipedia rely on donations. Both have attracted criticism for undercutting the industry but like Uber and Airbnb the power lies with the consumer.
Meanwhile the fashion and toy industry have been caught off guard by the phenomenon of unboxing channels; Funtoys Collector, for example, had 517 million views last month while the most (previously) anonymous, richest and most powerful woman is on DisneyCollectorBR, with billions of views and consistently at the top of YouTube performance charts.
Will the fitness industry find some magic in unboxing too?
In June 2012 Barack Obama directed all Federal Agencies to have APIs to improve their delivery of services and the customer experience. In 2016 should the industry issue a similar directive? It means we will have to become more transparent but that’s no bad thing. To paraphrase Joe Biden, our competitors are not our enemies, they are our opposition and for the sake of the industry we have to work together.
After the 1996 summer Olympics in Atlanta where the Great Britain team finished 36th in the medal table behind North Korea, Algeria and Ethiopia something had to be done. Fast forward to 2012 and GB as the host nation finished 3rd in the medal table. UK Sport in twenty years achieved its mission to provide investment and deliver world class sporting success. In 2016 we need a new organisation fighting for and concentrating on the fitness industry. If we don’t, then aggregators, bloggers, unboxing channels, trackers, wearables and an app for everything will win over the consumer. Food for thought whilst in Spain?
Enjoy SIBEC, David Minton